mercoledì 12 settembre 2018

FORBIDDEN GARDEN - History of the Vikings

Ancient History
plant trap axe in stump x 25 collect viking collection elements x 5 2... chop trees x 20 break stones x 20 3... rip hero in axe stump x 25 cheer minion x 20 create spell of raw forest x 15 4... defeat theif hero x 5 collect viking magic charms x 7 5... set potion raw berserk potion x 30 apply any spell x 30 6... scare inhabitants x 10 chop trees in allies land x 8
Findings and discovery
1... collect potion berserk x 30 collect raw viking honey x 30 2... remove garbage x 10 sell combat arm protector x 30 3... plant axe in stump x 30 create spell of raw forest x 20 4... remove stones x 40 empty treasure chests x 7 5... plant raw viking honey x 35 collect viking magic charm x 8 6... exchange viking collection x 7 profit by contract research on artifacts x 4 7... rip hero in trap axe in stump x 35 collect raw viking honey x 35
1... collect wood from resource building x 7 launch weather generator x 3 2.. defeat any hero x 12 sell berserks potion x 30 3... set potion raw berserk potion x 40 scare inhabitants x 15 4... Chop trees x 40 Create Viking Luck spell x 5 5... plant trap axe in stump x 45 collect viking charm x 9 6... chop trees x 12 create runic tile x 18 111 Minions 1... collect berserk potion x 40 send you friend a present x 15 2... cheer minion in allies land x 30 sell viking honey x 35 3... cheer a minion x 25 profit by contract checking the virus x 4 4... collect resources from library x 12 create viking luck spell x 8 5... set potion raw viking honey x 50 apply any spell x 50 feast 1... defeat hero paladin x 10 chop trees x 20 2... rip hero in trap axe in stump x 45 create viking thriftiness x 3 3... scare inhabitants x 8 sell berserk potion x 45 remove stones x 25 4... exchange viking collection x 10 collect extra iron x 10 5... collect potion viking honey x 50 empty treasure chest x 7 profit by contract research on artefacts x 3

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