mercoledì 6 giugno 2018


The Academy of Nano-Farmers opens new space for adventurers and explorers!
The Sea territory is ready... Do you ready?
Today we go for excursion party to the Sea territory and watch the things it’s hide.
Missions for opening the sea territory will be appeared automatically, if you are 42nd level (or more) and finished quest “Unusual island” (VI expansion of the modern territory).
Get some provisions! Let's go ahead for new reaches!

To visit the Sea territory you will need to finish some missions on the modern territory.
You need to repair Hydroplane, which waits it’s time. It is placed in the upper right corner of the modern territory:

Hydroplane waits in the upper right corner of the modern territory.
Hydroplane will transfer you to the Sea territory without spending of energy and resources. After you’ll finish repairing, press on the Hydroplane.
How does it looks like?
So, we are on the Sea territory:

On the sea territory characters are moving using special development of Nano-Farmers Academy.
There are marine stones on the sea territory, which hide so many valuable materials! The sea territory climate is favorable for the sea animals.
The Sea territory is not small. Do the quests to enlarge your possessions opening the new sea expansions!
What’s new?

Sea lab, which will open you the way for creation the marine hybrids and some useful materials!
Sea decorations, which easily turns your territory to beautiful place

Some of the sea decorations.

Sea animals such as the Giant crab:

The Giant crab itself.

Below there are two more important buildings connected with the sea territory. One of them will be placed on the modern territory, other - on the sea.
We suggest you to guess, what these buildings will be used for? The most penetrating Nano-Farmer will be rewarded!

What these buildings will be used for? Write your variant in the comments!

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