venerdì 30 novembre 2018


Invitation to join the competition 1... Collect elements artists day collection x 10 Collect extra gold 6500 2... Plant traps table with paint x 45 Set potion type making magic paint x 45 3... Rip hero in trap table with paint x 45 Collect potion magic paint x 45 Help the magister x 5 4... Get prize artist day collection x 2 Collect extra magic pencil x 15 ( will be used up) 5... Defeat hero thief hero x 3 Sell poor quality paint x 45 Collect elements forest collection x 12 Lessons starting 1.. Rip hero in trap table with paint x 55 Collect potion magic colours x create masterpiece painting x 50 2... Plant trap masterpiece painting x 50 Apply any spell x 50 Rip hero in trap masterpiece painting x 50 3... Create colourful tiles x 16 Place on map from storage colourful tiles x 16 4... Profit from the contract simple picture lesson x 2 profit from the contract advanced painters course x 2 Chop trees x 8 5... collect extra magic pencil ( will be used up ) Hard learning 1... Rip hero in trap masterpiece painting x 80 Profit by contact simple picture lesson x 2 Cheer a minion x 45 2... Plant trap table with paint x 70 Set potion type making magic paint x 70 3... Plant trap net of greed x 40 defeat any hero x 16 Create ignition x 30 4... Sell brush set x 50 Sell magic colours x 40 Sell poor quality paints x 60 5... Collect elements forest collection x 12 Collect extra magic pencil x 20 ( will be used up ) 6... Profit by contract simple picture lesson x 2 Collect potion magic colours x 70 defeat hero thief hero x 6 Paints for Neighbors 1... Collect potion in the ally’s land Magic color x 35 Rip a hero in the ally’s trap Table with paint x 35 2.... Create Moon sand x 60 Collect extra magic pencils x 12 Break stones in the ally’s land x 35 3... collect magic pencils x 70 will be used up find treasure x 7 4... Collect potion in ally’s land magic colours x 35 Rip hero in ally’s trap table with paints x 35 5... collect magic colors x 50 sell magic colors x 100 collect extra iron x 20 Artist competition 1... collect elements of holiday x 7 enchant a friend x 4 profit by contract advanced painters course x 1 2... Rip a hero in a trap masterpiece painting x 70 Rip a hero in a trap table with paint x 60 Scare the inhabitants x 12 3... Collect extra Coal x 10 will be used up Collect extra Fabric x 10 will be used up 4... Collect extra Magic pencils x 50 will be used up Collect extra Cog wheel x 7 will be used up Collect extra Iron x 7 will be used up 5... rip hero in masterpiece painting x 65 collect magic colors x 80 collect teleportation potion x 15 6... Rip a hero in the ally’s trap table with paint x 35 Rip a hero in the ally’s trap masterpiece painting x 35 Collect potion in the ally’s land magic colors x 35 7,,, Defeat a Paladin hero x 13 Defeat a Thief hero x 13

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