venerdì 25 gennaio 2019


Frosty winter

I. clear the rocks 7x
feed the animal: cow 12
(15 mittens, 10 food, 120 exp)

II. create seeds: fur fruit 10x

plant seeds: fur fruit 10x

III. chop trees 40x

(15 mittens, 10 food, 100 exp)

(5 ice bells, 10 food, 140 exp)

collect items: collection of unusual icicles 2x

(5 ice bells, 15 food, 150 exp)

IV. harvest crops: cucumber 25x
feed the animal: goat 8x

(5 synthetic fertilizer, 10 food, 110 exp)
V. sell crops: fur fruit 10x
feed an animal at your neighbor's farm 20x

Frosty formula

I. collect extra: ice bell 3x

break stones 60x

II. collect extra: ash 4x
(5 mittens, 10 food, 170 exp)

(20 mittens, 20 food, 185 exp)
create: frosty fertilizer 10x

harvest crops: fur fruit 20x

III. create seeds: fur fruit 20x
sell crops: fur fruit 20x

feed the animal: pig 15x
(10 food, 170 exp)

IV. harvest crops: pepper 30x

(15 food, 165 exp)

receive the prize: collection of unusual icicles 1x

V. collect items: collection of unusual icicles 3x
(10 food, 190 exp)
sell crops: sparkling bush 10x
VI. create seeds: sparkling bush 10x
plant seeds: sparkling bush 10x

VII. feed the animal: cow 15x

(15 mittens, 10 food, 195 exp)

Wintry landscape

(10 reusable fertilizer, 10 food, 170 exp)

I. harvest crops: strawberry 50x
feed the animal: rturkey 20x
II. create seeds: fur fruit 30x
(5 ice bells, 20 food, 175 exp)

clear the rocks 12x

III. harvest holiday crops at your neighbor's farm 20x
plant seeds: fur fruit 30x
(55 mittens, 10 food, 205 exp)
IV. chop trees 50x
feed an animal at your neighbor's farm 40x

(10 food, 190 exp)

V. create: fence under snow 3x
collect items: collection of unusual icicles 5x

(10 ice bells, 10 food, 185 exp)

expel all monsters 10x
take from storage: fence under snow 3x

(15 mittens, 10 food, 210 exp)

(15 reusable fertilizer, 20 mittens, 205 exp)

VI. feed the animal: goat 15x
(10 ice bells, 10 food, 195 exp)

VII. create seeds: sparkling bush 20x

harvest crops: sparkling bush 20x

Fighting against snow
I. harvest crops: carrot 25x

collect extra: mushroom 2x

(5 ice bells, 15 food, 175 exp)

II. create: winter elixir of frienship 1x

(10 food, 215 exp)
collect items: collection of unusual icicles 8x

(10 food, 180 exp)

III. smash rocks at your neighbor's farm 40x
feed an animal at your neighbor's farm 30x

(15 mittens, 10 food, 205 exp)

IV. create seeds: winter flower 10x
plant seeds: winter flower 10x
feed the animal: cow 15x
V. feed the animal: sheep 12x

(5 ice bells, 10 food, 175 exp)

harvest crops: fur fruit 30x

VI. create seeds: fur fruit 30x

Frosty stocks

(45 mittens, 15 food, 205 exp)
VII. sell crops: winter flower 10x
(20 reusable fertilizer, 10 food, 185 exp)
sell crops: fur fruit 30x

Frosty stocks
I. collect items: collection of unusual icicles 5x
collect extra: egg 5x
II. create: frosty fertilizer 20x
(5 ice bells, 10 food, 185 exp)

(35 mittens, 10 food, 220 exp)
collect extra: wood shavings 3x

III. feed the animal: pig 15x

IV. clear the rocks 12x
feed the animal: horse 8x
(5 ice bells, 10 food, 170 exp)
V. plant seeds: beetroot 40x
receive the prize: collection of unusual icicles 3x

(10 mittens, 10 food, 195 exp)

(20 mittens, 10 food, 240 exp)

plant seeds: wheat 30x
(5 ice bells, 15 food, 15 exp)

feed the animal: rabbit 12x
VI. create: frosty food 10x
VII. create seeds: sparkling bush 20x
plant seeds: sparkling bush 20x
(1 main decoration, 50 ice bells, 100 mittens, 300 exp)

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