giovedì 28 febbraio 2019


Everblooming flower

I. Plant seeds: spring flower x 10
Plant seeds: happiness flower x 10

II. Feed the animal: chicken x 12
Collect items: plush toy collection x 2

III. Harvest crops: nano tulip x 20
Collect extra: plant sap x 10

IV. create: common chemical agents 6x

V. smash rocks 40x
VI. create improved chemical agents 9x
harvest crops: happiness flowers 20x

VII. complete the research center's assignment: inventig an everblooming flower 1x
feed the animal: cow 6x

---(35 improved chemical agents, 290 point energy)
Ideal perfume

I. chop woods 10x
take from storage: everblooming flower 1x

II. plant seeds: nano tulips 20x
III. create: outstanding chemical agents 6x
plant seeds: spring flowers 25x

IV. harvest crops at your neighbor's farm: happiness flowers 15x
collect items: plush toy collection 5x

V. receive the prize: plush toy collection 2x
break stones at your neighbor's farm 40x

feed the anuimal: cow 15x

VII. complete the research center's assignment: creating a ideal perfume 1x
VI. chop down trees 60x
create: outstanding chemical agents 9x

Missing ingredient
---(112 improved chemical agents, 1070 point energy)

I. build stage 2 of the decoration: everblooming flower 1x
feed the animal: chicken 20x
feed the animal: turkey 20x

harvest crops: happiness flowers 25x
II. harvest crops: spring flowers 25x

III. smash rocks 50x
receive the prize: plush toy collection 2x
collect items: plush toy collection 5x

IV. create: outstanding chemical agents 12x
feed an animal at your neighbor's farm 40x
V. harvest crops at your neighbor's farm: nano tulips 20x

VI. create: improved chemical agents 6x
Happiness reagent
carry out any of the research center's assigned to your friend 1x

VII. chop woods 12x
plant seeds: spring flowers 30x

I. expel the monsters yeti 7x
collect items: plush toy collection 8x

II. create: outstanding chemical agents 15x
break stones at your neighbor's farm 50x

harvest crops: cucmber 25x
III. harvest crops: happiness flowers 30x
harvest crops: carrot 20x

harvest crops: nano tulips 20x
IV. feed the animal: cow 15x
feed the animal: chicken 20x
VI. receive the prize: plush toy collection 2x

V. create: outstanding chemical agents 15x
VII. complete the research center's assignment: acqiring a happiness chemical 1x
harvest crops: naono tulips 25x

harvest crops at your neighbor's farm: spring flowers 20x

plant seeds: happiness flowers 25x
finish the construction of the decoration 1x (412 improved chemical agents, 4070 point energy)

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