Changes in Energy gain. Heroes can gain Energy by taking Damage and losing Health (Heroes get 1% Energy for every 1% of their Health lost). From now on, they will also gain Energy for dodging attacks! For example, if Aurora successfully dodges an attack that would otherwise cost her 5% Health, she gets 5% Energy.
Changes in Sebastian's ultimate skill. From now on, Sebastian’s shield will not protect his team from:
- Chabba’s ultimate skill “Wild Hunger”
- Phobos’ ultimate skill “Paralysis”
- Paralysis from Yasmine’s ultimate skill “Dance of Death”
Skills that deal damage over time are also no longer in the category of negative effects blocked by Sebastian’s shield. Negative effects are Stun, Silence, Control, Armor Reduction, Marks (Mark of Water, Fox Fire Mark, Tracker’s Mark, etc.), and they are still blocked. The Assassin’s Mark has an effect on Yasmine herself, so it is an exception to the rest of the Marks, and Sebastian’s shield does not block it.
By limiting the capabilities of Sebastian’s shield, we give current heroes more chances against teams with him. It also allows us to work more freely on new heroes and improve old ones. As a result of this update, Sebastian will not lose his value against popular teams, but, at the same time, his shield will no longer serve as the universal weapon against the vast majority of negative effects.
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