martedì 28 luglio 2020

ASTRO GARDEN - Venezuelan Cintracts (timed 6 days TB)

News from venezuela
I. chop woods 7x
plant seeds: sugar cane 10x
plant seeds: castilla elastica 10x
II. harvest crops: coffee 15x
harvest crops: venezuelan cocoa 15x
fulfill contract 1x
III. break stones 40x
feed the animal: chicken 15x
IV. fulfill contract 4x
collect extra: venezuelan souvenir 80x
V. plant seeds: coffee 20x
collect extra: milk 3x
VI. collect extra: wood shaving 3x
harvest crops: cucumber 25x
Unexpected opportunities
I. harvest crops at your neighbor's farm: sugar cane 10x
harvest crops at your neighbor's farm: venezuelan cocoa 10x
II. collect extra: venezuelan souvenir 120x
create: venezuelan tree chopper 10x
III. chop woods 10x
plant seeds: venezuelan cocoa 25x
IV. harvest crops: venezuelan cocoa 25x
harvest crops: castilla elastica 25x
V. feed the animal: turkey 8x
collect combo lvl-7-2x
VI.plant seeds: pepper 30x
fulfill contract 6x
Craving for souvenirs
I. break stones 60x
harvest crops: sugar cane 30x
II. harvest crops at your neighbor's farm: castilla elastica 20x
feed an animal at your neighbor's farm 30x
III. fulfill contract 7x
feed the animal: cow 15x
IV. create: stone paved path 8x
take from storage: stone paved path 8x
V. plant seeds: venezuelan cocoa 25x
plant seeds: coffee 30x
VI. expel all monsters 10x
collect extra: egg 4x
Farewell to venezuela
I. sell crops: sugar cane 30x
sell crops: castilla elastica 25x
sell crops: venezuelan cocoa 25x
II. collect extra: phosphorus 3x
collect extra: feather 4x
III. fulfill contract 10x
harvest crops at your neighbor's farm: coffee 15x
IV. create: venezuelan feed 5x
feed the animal: cow 15x
V. harvest crops: sugar cane 25x
harvest crops: venezuelan cocoa 30x
VI. plant seeds: tomatoes 40x
fulfill contract 12x

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