martedì 2 agosto 2016


Born in 1876 in Netherland, Margareta Zelle was a dancer, a courtesan, and a spy. Looking like an eurasian girl since her childhood because of her swarthy skin, she married to a colonial army captain before moving to Java. Over there she studied Indonesian language and traditions, and joined a local dance company where she took the artistic name "Mata Hari" ("sun" in Indonesian). Then she moved to the French capital and began to perform as a circus horse rider and artistic model, to finally become famous for her exotic dances. In this context, Mata-Hari invented herself a character and a story, passing for a shivaist Indonesian or a free bohemian woman. She was known as a courtesan and a seductress because of her numerous relationships. During the First World War, she travelled between many European countries to avoid the battlefields and possibly worked for both German and French military intelligence. She was arrested and executed in 1917 by the French army because of suspicions of spying for Germany. Nowadays the mystery remains and no one knows if she really worked for the German army. Also, she revolutionized the mores at a time where rigorism was the main state of mind. Not a surprise that her life inspired many movies and a lot of books! So take your chance to immerge yourself in the destiny of this free and mysterious personality with the 7 new maps, including a VIP one, and the 7 new collections, including a premium one! 

Welcome in a world of exotism and secrets this week:

2nd of August:

Map: Miss Buys's Exclusive School in Leeuwarden
Collections to unravel: Mata Hari's family photographs / Mementos of Mata Hari's life 

Map: MacLeods' Wedding Reception in Amsterdam
Collections to unravel: Mata Hari's wardrobe / Mata Hari's family photographs 

3rd of August:

Pop Culture - Fairy Poetry

Map: MacLeods' Arrival in Malang
Collections to unravel: Photographs of Mata Hari / Mata Hari's wardrobe

4th of August:

Map (VIP): Fräulein Doktor's Spy School in Antwerp
Collections to unravel: All collections from the Mata Hari series 

5th of August:

Map: Mata Hari's Show at the Guimet Museum
Collections to unravel: Portraits of Mata Hari's entourage / Photographs of Mata Hari

6th of August:

Map: Mata Hari's Arrest on the Champs-Élysées
Collections to unravel: Mata Hari's personal effects / Portraits of Mata Hari's entourage

7th of August:

Map: Mata Hari's Cell at the Saint-Lazare Prison
Collections to unravel: Mementos of Mata Hari's life / Mata Hari's personal effects

Note that the Lawrence of Arabia series has also been reopened for 1 week.

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