lunedì 25 febbraio 2019


There can't be animals that you should consider alien ones! This is the motto of our next guest. Reserve keeper takes care of every youngling who needs caress and attention. That's why all forest animals and rare creatures such as Island foxes dote on her! Only on 25th and 26th of February purchase Reserve keeper, her house and a couple of Island foxes and get a Boreal forest reserve as a gift!

Boreal forest reserve's expands:

Animals that can be settled into Boreal forest reserve:
Angora rabbit, Angry wolfcub, Apple turtle, Arctic fox with a scarf, Arctic grouse, Arctic leopard, Armadillo, Awassi ram, Awassi sheep, Azure baby tortoise, Baby bison, Baby cougar, Baby crocodile, Baby skunk, Bactrian camel, Bald eagle, Bear with fir cones, Berry deer, Bird with a scarf, Bison, Bittern, Black bear, Black grouse, Black grouse the herald, Black stork, Black-and-white rabbit, Blue-footed booby, Boar with a trapper hat, Boy penguin, Brown rabbit, Butterfly fox, Canada goose, Capybara, Caracal, Cassowary, Christmas reindeer, Cloudy camel, Cloudy elephant, Cloudy kangaroo, Clumsy bear, Coati, Cockatoo, Common badger, Common moose, Crane, Crimson phoenix, Cute fawn, Cute owls, Daughter skunk, Deer king, Deer queen, Diamond pheasant, Eagle owl, Easter bunny, Elephant Romeo, Emu, Enamored stork, Enchanted armadillo, Fall bison, Fall grouse, Father bison, Father dodo, Father skunk, Father tortoise, Ferret badger, Fir-tree dragon, Flower deer, Flower deer, Flower fennec fox, Flower mammoth, Flower monkey, Flower wolf, Forest alpaca, Forest boar, Forest turtle, Fox cub, Fox hole, Friendly wolfcub, Gemmy deer, Gemmy pelican_, Gentleman bull, Girl penguin, Glam fox, Golden baby tortoise, Golden grouse, Golden pheasant, Golden takin, Grandma skunk, Grassy hedgehog, Greater sage-grouse, Greedy-guts bear, Groundhog, Grumpy bunny, Happy badger, Happy bear, Happy bunny, Happy hamster, Happy pony, Happy wolf, Happy wombat, Hedgehog at home, Hedgehog with a beanie, Hedgehog with berries, Heron, Hipster bear, Holiday moose, Honey alpaca, Honey badger, Honey rabbit, Hoopoe, Hooting owl, Hottie Hippo, Hungry baby penguin, Hungry father penguin, Hungry mother penguin, Icy deer, Island fox, Japanese badger, Japanese serow, Kangaroo, Koala, Koala, Lady deer, Leafy dragon, Leafy wolf, Leaves-ruffling fox, Lifeguard eagle, Light-legged pudu, Love-king moose, Lumberjack beaver, Mailman alpaca, Manchu pheasant, Manul, Merry sonny skunk, Midday deer, Mighty bison, Miserable baby beaver, Miserable father beaver, Miserable mother beaver, Moose Juan, Moose with a sweet tooth, Moose with legwarmers, Mosschief, Mother bison, Mother cougar, Mother dodo, Mother skunk, Mother tortoise, Mother-of-pearl baby tortoise, Musk deer, Musk deer in a poncho, Mystery snowman, Nathan the bear, Night wolf, Northern deer, Okapi, Origami deer, Otter, Owl with a scarf, Panda, Partridge, Peregrine falcon's nest, Pet boar, Pheasant, Platypus, Playful chipmunks, Polar explorer bear, Polar explorer walrus, Prairie grouse, Pronghorn, Queen moose, Rabbit family, Raccoon, Red manul, Reindeer, Rockstar Leo, Roe deer, Roe deer, Romancer raccoon, Royal moose, Ruby fox, Rude fawn, Russian Ted, Santa's reindeer, Sapphire lynx, Scared bear cub, Scared father hedgehog, Scared little hedgehog, Scared mother hedgehog, Scout badger, Scout beaver, Sea buckthorn fawn, Seasonal leopard, Sensible bunny, Sharp-tailed grouse, Sichuan takin, Silver badger, Silver fox, Snow leopard with a scarf, Snow-white fox, Snow-white goat, Snow-white moose, Snow-white owl, Snowy birdling, Snowy bison, Snowy deer, Snowy grouse, Snowy musk-ox, Snub-nosed monkey, Sonny skunk, Speckled tapir, Spring fox, Springtime beaver, Springtime bunny, Springtime fawn, Stork in a puffa, Storks nest, Stylish moose, Sunrise wolf, Sunset tiger, Swamp tortoise, Tarpan horse, Tasmanian devil, Tibetan fox, Tortoise Rose, Trained seal, Unhappy baby squirrel, Unhappy father squirrel, Unhappy mother squirrel, Unwell bunny, Unwell father hare, Unwell mother hare, Veggie hippo, Watermelion, Wheat kangaroo, White peacock, White-chested bear, White-feathered owl, Whortlebear, Wild ox, Wild rabbit, Wind-up penguin, Winnie-the-Bear, Wolf cub, Wolf with legwarmers, Wolverine with a scarf, Wood grouse cock, Wood grouse hen, Wounded fallow deer, Wounded fallow deer, Wounded fawn, Wounded fawn, Wounded fawn, Wounded fawn, Young dodo, Young fawn
What a good neighbor should have: - Honeysuckle trees - Gray geese

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