giovedì 26 settembre 2019


Where can I get leafy sheep?
You can find leafy sheep in chest of fallen leaves and chest of fall fruit.

🌦 Where can I get leafy ducks?
Click on the lake with ducks on the local farmstead to obtain a leafy duck. If there are no ducks in the lake, you'll first have to find them on the farmstead, catch them and return them to the lake.

🌦 How can I get fall grouses?
We get fall grouse by exchanging magic fall collection. You can also get it from a chest of fall fruit and a chest of fall flowers.

I don't have enough seasonickels. Is there any other way to get chrysantemums?
We get 5 chrysantemums for mini-quests on the local farmstead (pick orange chrysantemums, white chrysantemums or purple chrysantemums).

🌦 I shooed away murky clouds on the local farmstead, but I didn't receive seasonal rainbow. Why?
Shoo away murky clouds in the Household to get seasonal rainbow. Murky clouds can appear during gathering of orange, white or purple chrysantemums on your site.

🌦 I don't receive elements of questionable weather collection from my jolly animals. What do I do wrong?
Elements of questionable weather collection can be obtained quite rarely from your jolly animals. You can get them much faster by helping animals to warm up on the local farmstead.

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