giovedì 21 novembre 2019


As a little girl, Marie always wanted to live in a homely village. It’s a place where people can find magic in the simple things in life. As a note of gratefulness for all the love Marie’s brought to the farm, the farmhands have invited Mayor Mandalay to come over and build the village of her dreams!

The Thanksgiving Township event starts on the 20th of November (Wednesday) and ends on the 8th (Sunday) of December, giving you 19 days to complete all event orders and win a 30-day visit from the Township Terrier!


Celebrate Thanksgiving with Marie, Minstrel Madeline, and Mayor Mandalay by visiting the Homely Hamlet.


You need to craft items and fulfill orders to complete the stages.


You may also buy the Thanksgiving Event Pass to enjoy VIP rewards.


Temporary Place of Interest: Borough Beverages

Borough Beverages is a temporary area where you can get event items needed in each recipe.


For example, it will drop the Brussels Sprouts needed in Phase 1.


Temporary Farm Hands: Minstrel Madeline, and Mayor Mandalay

You can purchase Minstrel Madeline and/ or Mayor Mandalay as farmhands to help you out during the Thanksgiving Township event. You’ll have a higher chance of finding rare and special event items by using these farmhands.

Image (7)
Note: Minstrel Madeline and Mayor Mandalay are temporary farmhands, and will only stay on your farm for the whole duration of the Thanksgiving Township Event.
New Items and where to get them:

Phase 1
Brussels Sprout - Borough Beverages, Grandma's Glade, Pappy's Pond, Merryweather Mine, Pier, and Prized Animals

Phase 2
Hazelnut - Grandma's Glade, Pappy's Pond, Merryweather Mine, Pier, Mallard Mill, and Prized Animals
Pomegranate - Borough Beverages

Phase 3
Garlic - Grandma's Glade, Pappy's Pond, Merryweather Mine, Pier, Mallard Mill, and Prized Animals
Onion - Borough Beverages

Phase 4
Lime - Grandma's Glade, Pappy's Pond, Merryweather Mine, Pier, Mallard Mill, and Prized Animals
Wild Mushroom - Borough Beverages

Phase 5
Elastic Bond - Grandma's Glade, Pappy's Pond, Merryweather Mine, Pier, Mallard Mill, and Prized Animals
Cotton Cloth - Borough Beverages

Event Rewards


Phase 1: 2 Barn Nail, 8 Speed Seed, and 5 Golden Gloves


Phase 2: 3 Barn Padlock, Sweet Tooth Pin, and 8 Speed Seed


Phase 3: 3 Barn Nail, 4 Silver Stamp, 2 Gold Stamp, and 8 Golden Gloves


Phase 4: 10 Key, 3 Gold Stamp, and 8 Golden Gloves


Phase 5: Township Terrier (Temporary Farm Hand)


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