Vacation Season!
The harvests at the farm have been great this year and it's time to take a short break and unwind. All the farmhands are going out for a small picnic. Instructor Amber is coming along with Zappy Zack to make sure you have loads of fun and indulge in different activities. Explore summer in a whole new way by participating in a special hunt and playing the game.
Join Instructor Amber and Zappy Zack to explore new places and unearth all the hidden things during the vacation season! Complete 5 phases of the event and win a 30-day visit from the Delightful Dona!
If you have reached level 12 or higher, a pop-up invitation will appear on your screen showing the Vacation Season event. You may need to force close the game or reboot your device to see the latest update.
You can start your vacation by visiting the Picnic Point conveniently located in an open garden where cloth sheets are spread out to sit in the grass with cushions and fruit baskets.
To start the event, tap the Pinwheel Cart button.
You need to craft items limited-time Vacation Season goods and fulfill orders to complete the phases.
You may also purchase the Vacation Pass to enjoy VIP rewards:
- Vacation Season Theme
- 2X Phase Rewards
- Upgraded Reward Farmhand
Temporary Place of Interest: Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt is a temporary area where you can get event items needed in each recipe.
For example, it will drop the Baking Soda needed in Phase 1.
Temporary Farmhands: Instructor Amber and Zappy Zack
You can purchase Instructor Amber and/ or Zappy Zack as farmhands to help you complete the Vacation Season event. You’ll have a higher chance of finding rare event items by using these farmhands.
Note: Instructor Amber and/ or Zappy Zack are temporary farmhands, and will only stay on your farm for the whole duration of the event. To maximize the benefits they'll give you, it's best to get them as early as possible.
New Items and where to get them:
Phase 1
Baking Soda - Scavenger Hunt, Glade, Pond Mine, Pier, Mill, and Prized Animals
Phase 2
Asparagus - Glade, Pond, Mine, Pier, Mill, and Prized Animals
Apricot Mustard - Scavenger Hunt
Phase 3
Tangy Olives - Glade, Pond, Mine, Pier, Mill, and Prized Animals
Pearl Onions - Scavenger Hunt
Phase 4
Pineapple - Glade, Pond, Mine, Pier, Mill, and Prized Animals
Peanuts - Scavenger Hunt
Phase 5
Twigs - Glade, Pond, Mine, Pier, Mill, and Prized Animals
Vines - Scavenger Hunt
Event Rewards
Phase 1: 2 Barn Nail, 8 Speed Seed, and 5 Golden Gloves
Phase 2: 3 Barn Padlock, Sweet Tooth Pin, and 8 Speed Seed
Phase 3: 3 Barn Nail, 4 Silver Stamp, 2 Gold Stamp, and 8 Golden Gloves
Phase 4: 10 Key, 3 Gold Stamp, and 8 Golden Gloves
Phase 5: Delightful Dona (Temporary Farmhand can be used for 30 days)
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