Frustrated bees
I. collect extra: honeycomb 4x
plant seeds: airy lemon 12x
plant seeds: airy lemon 12x
II. harvest crops: airy lemon 12x
chop woods 15x
chop woods 15x
III. collect item: beetle collection 4x
collect extra: wood shavings 4x
collect extra: wood shavings 4x
IV. collect extra: honeycomb 4x
feed the animal: cloud bee 15x
feed the animal: cloud bee 15x
V. break stones at your neighbor's farm 45x
feed an animal at your neighbor's farm 45x
feed an animal at your neighbor's farm 45x
VI. plant seeds: rainbow cauliflower 12x
feed the animal: rabbit 25x
feed the animal: rabbit 25x
VII. harvest crops at your neighbor's farm 30x
feed the animal: spiky cow 20x
feed the animal: spiky cow 20x
A high-rank guest
I. feed the animal: donkey 20x
feed the animal: spiky cow 15x
feed the animal: spiky cow 15x
II. collect items: herbarium 4x
receive the prize: herbarium 2x
collect extra: luminophore 8x
receive the prize: herbarium 2x
collect extra: luminophore 8x
III. chop trees at your neighbor's farm 50x
collect extra: root 4x
collect extra: root 4x
IV. receive the prize: food collection 4x
harvest crops: cucumber 40x
harvest crops: carrot 40x
harvest crops: cucumber 40x
harvest crops: carrot 40x
V. create seeds: sun-melon 10x
plant seeds: sun-melon 10x
plant seeds: sun-melon 10x
VI. harvest crops: sun-melon 10x
feed the animal: saber-tooth rabbit 15x
feed the animal: saber-tooth rabbit 15x
VII. sell crops: sun-melon 10x
feed the animal: star goat 20x
feed the animal: star goat 20x
The leader of the pack
I. break stones 60x
collect extra: glue 15x
collect extra: glue 15x
II. feed the animal: horse 25x
collect items: food collection 5x
collect items: food collection 5x
III. create seeds: stone watermelon 15x
plant seeds: stone watermelon 15x
plant seeds: stone watermelon 15x
IV. feed the animal: bees 20x
collect extra: bee-gun 20x
harvest crops: stone watermelon 15x
collect extra: bee-gun 20x
harvest crops: stone watermelon 15x
V. collect extra: wood plank 3x
collect extra: cobweb 10x
collect extra: cobweb 10x
VI. collect combo lvl 7-2x
expel the monsters: yeti 15x
expel the monsters: yeti 15x
VII. feed the animal: donkey 25x
feed the animal: pig 25x
feed the animal: pig 25x
The riverside relaxation
I. feed the animal: leopard chicken 15x
feed the animal: turkey 25x
feed the animal: panda rabbit 15x
feed the animal: turkey 25x
feed the animal: panda rabbit 15x
II. collect extra: woodcutter collection 5x
collect extra: mushroom 8x
collect extra: mushroom 8x
III. create seeds: fern carrot 15x
plant seeds: fern carrot 15x
plant seeds: fern carrot 15x
IV. break stones at your neighbor's farm 45x
feed an animal at your neighbor's farm 45x
feed an animal at your neighbor's farm 45x
V. collect extra: honeycomb 4x
collect extra: milk 6x
collect extra: milk 6x
VI. harvest crops: fern carrot 15x
sell crops: fern carrot 15x
sell crops: fern carrot 15x
VII. feed the animal: chicken 35x
harvest crops at your neighbor's farm 35x
harvest crops at your neighbor's farm 35x
Carnivorous cabbage for the uncle
I. clear the rocks 12x
plant seeds: pumpkin 30x
plant seeds: pumpkin 30x
II. break stones at your neighbor's farm 45x
feed an animal at your neighbor's farm 45x
feed an animal at your neighbor's farm 45x
III. create seeds: carnivorous cabbage 15x
plant seeds: carnivorous cabbage 15x
plant seeds: carnivorous cabbage 15x
IV. collect extra: wood block 3x
collect extra: glas 10x
collect extra: glas 10x
V. collect extra: mutagen 6x
use fertilizer: usual fertilizer 50x
use fertilizer: usual fertilizer 50x
VI. harvest crops: cabbage of baskerville 15x
feed the animal: sheep 25x
feed the animal: sheep 25x
VII. feed the animal: duck 25x
feed the animal: stone- skinned pig 15x
feed the animal: goat 20x
feed the animal: stone- skinned pig 15x
feed the animal: goat 20x
A tropic party
I. break stones at your neighbor's farm 50x
chop trees at your neighbor's farm 70x
chop trees at your neighbor's farm 70x
II. create seeds: pineapple of good 10x
plant seeds: pineapple of good 10x
plant seeds: pineapple of good 10x
III. create: sea colt 8x
take from storage: sea colt 8x
take from storage: sea colt 8x
IV. clear the rocks 12x
harvest crops: pineapple of good 10x
feed the animal: seahorse 20x
harvest crops: pineapple of good 10x
feed the animal: seahorse 20x
V. collect extra: amber paint 8x
chop woods 12x
chop woods 12x
VI. harvest crops at your neighbor's farm 45x
feed an animal at your neighbor's farm 45x
feed an animal at your neighbor's farm 45x
VII. feed the animal: seahorse 15x
feed the animal cow 25x
feed the animal cow 25x
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