venerdì 17 luglio 2020

ASTRO GARDEN - TIMED QUEST Summer in the Village

Rural life
I. feed the animal: pig 15x
feed the animal: sheep 15x
II. smash rocks 60x
collect items: garden toosl collection 2x
III. create seeds: healing thorny burdock 10x
plant seeds; healing thorny burdock 10x
IV. collect extra: beehive 3x
harvest crops: garlic 25x
V. feed an animmal at your neighbor's farm 60x
sell crops: healing thorny burdock 10x
I. collect items: garden tools collection 5x
collect extra: dew drops 8x
II. create: village fertilizers 10x
collect extra: egg 6x
III. harvest crops: carrot 30x
harvest crops: tomatoes 30x
IV. feed the animal: goat 20x
feed the animal: cow 20x
V. create: village fertilizers 10x
use: village fertilizes 10x
VI. collect extra: beehive 3x
harvest crops: beetroot 40x
VII. receive the prize: garden tools collection 2x
feed the animal: horse 15x
Watery spots in the garden
I. create seeds: celandine 10x
plant seeds: celandine 10x
II. harvest crops at your neighbor's farm 30x
chop trees at your neighbor's farm 60x
III. create: village fertilizers 10x
collect extra: ash 6x
IV. clear the rocks 12x
feed the animal: sheep 20x
V. create seeds: healing thorny burdock 20x
use: village fertilizers 20x
harvest crops: healing thorrny burdock 20x
VI. cop down trees 70x
collect items: garden tools collection 5x
VII. create: waterpump 1x
take from storage: waterpump 1x

Protective celandine
I. harvest crops: banana 30x
harvest crops: pumpkin 40x
II. create: village feed 15x
collect extra: milk 6x
III. feed the animal: rabbit 20x
feed the animal: turkey 25x
IV. create: village fertilizers 20x
collect extra: root 3x
V. expel all monsters 12x
collect items: garden tools collection 8x
break stones at your neighbor's farm 60x
VI. create seeds: celandine 20x
plant seeds: celandine 20x
chop down trees 70x
VII. sell crops: celandine 20x
feed the animal: horse 15x
Making reserves
I. collet items: garden tools collection 5x
receive the prize: garden tools collection 3x
II. create seeds: healingh thorny burdock 20x
harvest crops; healing thorny burdock 20x
III. feed the animal: chicken 25x
feed the animal: pig 25x
IV. create: village fertilizers 20x
collect extra: ash 6x
V. clear the rocks 12x
harvest crops at your neighbor's garm 40x
collect items: herbarium 4x
VI. create: village feed 15x
feed the animal: cow 25x
VII. create: village fertilizers 20x
collect items: garden tools collection 8x

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